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Episode 6: Embedding Canvas App in Model Driven App (PowerApps)

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Hi Readers and Viewers

In this episode, we are going to look at, How to embed a canvas app into a model driven app.

We talk about the following limitations:

  1. One canvas app per model driven form.
  2. Changes in each app must be published separately to reflect.

We talk about some tips:

  1. Change format of the section of the field where you have enabled canvas app control.
  2. Make the field appear in the middle of section so that your canvas app can get most space.
  3. Rename the display name of the field to something small so that it takes less space.
  4. If you’re adding control to a very important field like ‘Account Name’ maybe add it twice on the form on different location.

We look at different layouts where the app looks better:

  • One column tab
  • Two columns tab
  • Three columns tab



General PowerApps
