Using the new Power Apps Geospatial Features to better understand spread of COVID-19
New Geospatial Features in Power Apps - Interactive Maps & Address Suggestion components.
The Covid-19 Tracker Power Platform application tracks the spread of COVID-19 cases globally.
The Main App features include:
1) Track the COVID-19 cases worldwide on a Map.
Filter data points by Case Type, Country or Region.
2) Track COVID-19 cases around your Location or a specified address.
3) Send notifications based on filtered data points.
4) Chat Bot to answer common questions around COVID-19.
Interactive Map and Address components - You can sign up for private preview and immediately start experimenting with these capabilities in your organization.
Private Preview Sign Up:
COVID-19 Tracking Application (static maps) - available for download
Emergency Response Gallery
The Coronavirus Tracking application leverages data from the feature layer in ArcGIS by CSSE_GISandData
Web service:
Service Layer:
This App can be used along with the Crisis communication template released by Microsoft :
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