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Need help in Fine tuning the Custom copilot model built with own Excel data

MS-02070528-0 Profile Picture Posted by MS-02070528-0

Hi all, Currently I have built a basic custom copilot model using own Excel dataset. But the model is not answering the prompts correctly. The dataset contains Sentences and Number along with special characters. The model is not able to answers generic question such as "how many rows are present in the file or what are the column names in the file". 

Along with this the model is not answering questions which are related to the dataset even though the data is present in the file. 

Now only Co-pilot studio is used to build the model, SO is there a way to direct the model to specific location in the dataset to look for answers, or is there any other work around? 


Also, can we use power automate to do the above process. 


Administration General GPT Integrations Plugin Prompt
