Whats up my friends?!
Today I am joined by Flow and Apps MVP - That APi Guy, Vivek Bavishi - http://twitter.com/that_api_guy to discuss how to use Power Virtual Agents!
Be sure to check out Viveks YouTube Channel also! - http://youtube.com/thatapiguy He makes great videos all the time!
Read the documentation specifics on this licensing - docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/requirements-licensing-subscriptions#power-virtual-agents-for-microsoft-teams-plan
if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments or hit us up on Twitter!
00:00 - Introduction and Prep
02:39 - Getting Virtual Agents ready in Teams
04:30 - Lets take a tour of PVA
08:16 - Lets create!
14:15 - Lets build a flow to help the bot!
21:32 - Lets test the bot!
23:00 - Publishing the bot
25:40 - How to share it with everyone in your organization
27:00 - Conclusion
to get started on Flow head to http://flow.microsoft.com
to join the flow community head to http://aka.ms/MPAComm
Follow me on Twitter? head to http://twitter.com/JonJLevesque
as always, Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!
Much Love from Me!
- Jon