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Progress Indicator Component

mdevaney Profile Picture Posted by mdevaney 29,987


This component is used to show what progress has been made in a process.  The most common use-case is for approvals.  However, the icons & images in this component are completely customizable so it can be adapted to any business process.



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Send me a message if you find any bugs and I will try to fix them as quickly as possible


How To Use


Example #1



Items Property



 {Title: "Erik Erickson", Subtitle: "Initial Requester", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Sally Summers", Subtitle: "Supervisor", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Matthew Devaney", Subtitle: "Manager", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), IsCurrent: true},
 {Title: "Executive Team", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.People, Image: Blank()}



IsSquareShape Property







Example #2


Items Property



 {Title: "Erik Erickson", Subtitle: "Initial Requester", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Sally Summers", Subtitle: "Supervisor", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Matthew Devaney", Subtitle: "Manager", Image: 'business-cat', Status: "Fail"},
 {Title: "Executive Team", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.People, Image: Blank()}



IsSquareShape Property







Example #3




Items Property



 {Title: "Create Document", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.Document, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Send Message", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.Mail, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "Manager Review", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.Person, Image: Blank(), Status: "Success"},
 {Title: "File Document", Subtitle: "", Icon: Icon.Folder, Image: Blank(), IsCurrent: true}



IsSquareShape Property






IsStatusVisible Property






IconColor Property






ShapeFill Property






ShapeBorderColorCurrent Property










  • R3dKap Profile Picture R3dKap 1,594
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    Hi @mdevaney,

    Nice component which I just imported into my project.

    Here are a few improvement suggestions for the horizontal version (haven't checked if it would be interesting to adapt these to the vertical version of the component) :

    // Better size and positioning of the status icon
    ico_StatusIcon_H.Width = If(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.IsSquareShape; ico_StatusSquare_H.Width; ico_StatusCircle_H.Width)
    ico_StatusIcon_H.Height = If(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.IsSquareShape; ico_StatusSquare_H.Height; ico_StatusCircle_H.Height)
    ico_StatusIcon_H.PaddingTop,Right,Bottom,Left = 5
    ico_StatusSquare_H.X = ico_Square_H.X + ico_Square_H.Width - Self.Width / 2
    ico_StatusSquare_H.Y = ico_Square_H.Y + ico_Square_H.Height - Self.Height / 2
    ico_StatusCircle_H.X = ico_Circle_H.X + ico_Circle_H.Width - Self.Width / 2
    ico_StatusCircle_H.Y = ico_Circle_H.Y + ico_Circle_H.Height - Self.Height / 2
    // Adapt template size to component size and items count
    gal_ProgessIndicator_H.TemplateSize = Self.Width / Self.AllItemsCount
    // Fix the visibility of the bar if Title is empty
    ico_LineBottom_H.Visible = !(ThisItem.Title=Last(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.Items).Title) || !(ThisItem.Subtitle=Last(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.Items).Subtitle)
    ico_LineTop_H.Visible = !(ThisItem.Title=First(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.Items).Title) || !(ThisItem.Subtitle=First(cmp_ProgressIndicator_H.Items).Subtitle)

    Tell us if and when you've implemented them... 😉

    See you around!

  • zuurg Profile Picture zuurg 524
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    Hi @mdevaney ,


    I'm trying to add your component file to my app (both with the sample IT Request app where you show it in use and in a brand new canvas app).  Every time I try to import the component, I get this error message with no additional explanation:




    Any idea what the issue might be?


    Edit: false alarm, just redownloaded it and re-added and it worked this time.

  • Progress Indicator Component


    Really it's good and very helpful. 

    I am trying out the same but I am not able to pass the dynamic value in the table. 

    I had attached the screenshot below, Could you guide me where I missed out



  • bunny001 Profile Picture bunny001
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    Hi Matt, great component. Quick question, i wanted to add an additional status to the 2 in the component i.e. Success, Fail, InProgress as the new one. I changed the switch function in the colour control of the status field to include an additional switch option, however it doesnt seem to propogate to the component within the app.


    I've add the component onto the canvas again and even exported the component and reimported but no luck! 'm new to components so not sure if i am missing something? Would appreciate your thoughts.


    Thanks in advance.



  • Digital Profile Picture Digital 1,199
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    Nice component but I'm having difficulty with the layout of the horizontal variant, specifically the label in the first step. It looks like the sub-heading is obscuring my title. Not sure if anyone else is getting this problem. I've had a play with the label positioning formula and turned off wrap and auto height but still get the same issue. It is only ever on the first item and doesn't happen with the vertical version.


    Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 12.39.38.png

  • mdevaney Profile Picture mdevaney 29,987
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    I've written a tutorial on how to do an approvals process using this component + SharePoint.  The final section of this tutorial shows how status can be changed based on SharePoint list values.  Values from SP are displayed on a form then the component uses those to detect the state (success/fail/not completed).  Let me know if you have any questions.

    Link to article

  • mohankvs Profile Picture mohankvs 6
    Posted at
    Progress Indicator Component

    Hi @mdevaney , Can you let me know how do we update the status of a particular step as success based on particular value in SharePoint list? Thanks.