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NHS Staff Location Power App during COVID-19 from ANS

Assist and locate NHS staff during the Coronavirus pandemic


ANS has developed an app which will allow NHS Trusts to gain a better understanding of where staff are working and where more staff are needed if a high number of employees are self isolating. The app works in two ways, there’s the staff portal and the manager’s portal. Let’s start with the staff portal.
NHS staff are able to log in easily as their information is stored securely on a Common Data Service which feeds data into the app. Staff are notified that they need to let the Trust know if they can work today or not. If yes, they simply log it in the app and head to work.
If they are not working on that day, they need to their manager know via the app quickly and easily. There are a number of reasons why an NHS worker is unable to work at this time, whether that be because of annual leave, sickness due to non Covid-19 reasons, symptoms of Covid-19 or they are classed as ‘at risk’.
Let’s say the employee is self-isolating because they are showing signs of coronavirus. They’ll be asked to fill in a quick form about their condition i.e., do they have a cough, a raised temperature, have they been tested and any other details they think are relevant to share. The employee can also tell their manager how long they will be self-isolating for using the app.
Let’s turn to the managers portal. All the data put in by the employees can be visualised in a Power BI dashboard. Using bespoke filters, managers are able to see the numbers of coronavirus cases in certain locations and the number of staff available there to help. Also, they can determine what resources are needed where and how many tests have been done in different locations.


Click here to see app: 







  • mdevaney Profile Picture mdevaney 29,987
    Posted at
    NHS Staff Location Power App during COVID-19 from ANS


    Am I missing something here?  Where is the link to download the app?

  • DanielSpurr Profile Picture DanielSpurr
    Posted at
    NHS Staff Location Power App

    Great work by all involved

  • TattooedCRMGuy Profile Picture TattooedCRMGuy
    Posted at
    NHS Staff Location Power App

    This is brilliant! Very Well Done.