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Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

schuess3 Profile Picture Posted by schuess3 353



R.C.O.R.S – Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System.

During these difficult and uncertain times, many businesses are starting to open their doors to a limited amount of staff at a time. This app serves to solve the reservation system challenge. Allow your staff to reserve their turn to come back to the office while maintaining everyone’s safety.


  • Book Reservations
  • View My Reservations
  • View 6 Day Outlook of Availability
  • View Who is Signed Up
  • Prevent Duplicate Daily Reservations
  • Inform your staff of current policies
  • and more!!!

Don't forget to vote for me in the Demo Extravaganza 2020!

Quick Start Guide Setup Date Source

  1. Create a SharePoint List Named “OfficeReservations
  2. Create a New Column Named “Employee” of type Person or Group
  3. Create a New Column Named “DateRequested” of type Date and Time
  4. From the List Settings, click “Title”, and change properties from Required to NOT Required

Configure App

  1. Edit App
  2. Remove old OfficeReservation SharePoint Data Source
  3. Connect to your new OfficeReservation SharePoint Data Source
  4. Edit App OnStart Property
  5. Change varMaxCapacity to the maximum number of occupants in your office.
  6. Save and Publish



Special thanks to @R3dKap and his "COMPONENT - Configurable SVG Circle Progress Bar"
Special thanks to @ToddBaginski and his blog on "HOW TO: Display Office 365 User Profile Images in PowerApps"




  • GVildosola Profile Picture GVildosola
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System



    I am unable to import this unless it is put into a ZIP file (which has to have a few other files) can you provide this app as a ZIP file package?  Thank you for designing this.

  • schuess3 Profile Picture schuess3 353
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    Hey Oliver,


    That is a runtime error that can be ignored in my opinion. I get the same thing. It happens because before the App is run for the first time, it does not have a value for "ThisItem.Email". Once you run or play the app for the first time and it can get a value for the context of ThisItem, the error goes away. I was not able to find a solution for this. 


    Thanks for checking out the app!

  • Oliver89 Profile Picture Oliver89 20
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System


    The app looks great!!!! I've built one for the same purpose back in april but with a different logic 🙂


    I've tried now to start up yours, and see your steps, but it's failing also on my side (see pics). I've created the sharepoint  lists, exactly as written above, but is missing something (mostly Employee.Email)


  • Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    @schuess3 Must have been something that I had missed. Deleted and rebuilt and all works. Thanks will test it all on with others in the team but so far looks really good. My vote goes to you

  • schuess3 Profile Picture schuess3 353
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    @Anonymous make sure that your SharePoint Fields are spelled exactly the same and that your list is spelled exactly the same as in the instructions, otherwise you will need to modify the app. 

  • Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    Great work. Looks good. I unfortunately get a lot of errors. When I try to submit it doesn't go any further and its not loading the data into the List. I followed your instructions. Will try again tomorrow and see what happens. 

  • schuess3 Profile Picture schuess3 353
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    Thanks and that makes good sense.

  • Phil_C Profile Picture Phil_C
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    Thanks V much for posting this, it is really useful to explore and to f fwd learning.

    I've added a blank screen and placed the Quick start guide info in it as only a Dev can see it.

    This tip may be useful for other users or app developments.

  • x610677 Profile Picture x610677
    Posted at
    Reduced Capacity Office Reservation System

    Easy to set up and install. Great work