Hello everyone,
My latest video showcases applying flow approval process on Microsoft Lists. This also includes the approval reminder pattern as part of the approvals cookbook series.
In this video, we will leverage the travel request list template, set an approval process & assign approver’s using Azure AD Security Group & then setup an approval reminder pattern.
Lists are GA and rolling out to all tenants.
Microsoft lists is a smart information tracking app in Microsoft 365.
Microsoft Lists announcement - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/microsoft-lists-begins-general-availability-roll-out-to/ba-p/1524768
If you do not see the Lists App, follow these steps - https://www.jumpto365.com/blog/an-simple-overview-of-microsoft-lists
Approvals Cookbook Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTyFh-qDKAiFUGTtwSwFT79Y7_jq_Aipe
Power Auotmate limits (do until loop) - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-automate/limits-and-config
Expression Used:
Filter query for "List records" CDS action
msdyn_flow_approvalresponseidx_approvalid eq '@{toUpper(body('Create_an_approval')?['name'])}'
and owninguser/internalemailaddress eq '@{item()}'
Reza Dorrani, MVP