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Calculate a word's soundex value with Power Apps and Power Automate

Mariano Gomez Profile Picture Posted by Mariano Gomez 48

Title: Calculate a word's soundex value with Power Automate


Description: In this video, I will be showing you how to use Power Apps and Power Automate to calculate the Soundex value of a word using a flow. This calculation uses the American standard algorithm, but can be adapted to support other algorithms developed for the English language.


Detailed Instructions: Download the zip file below. Go to and click on Apps on the left navigation pane. Click on Import Canvas App on the Power Apps toolbar to import the zip file. Upon importing this package, you will have the test harness app and the actual flow, which you can access at  


Questions: For additional questions on this flow, please use the comment section on my YouTube channel.


Anything else we should know: In building the workflow you will learn how to use the Scope, Variables, and Compose actions, the Do Until and If Then control structures, along with the substring()replace()add(), and mult() functions. Learn how to call a flow from Power Apps.


