Radar Chart
Radar Chart
Eight vertex Radar chart ready to be used.
Import it to your project and use following variables :
-LabelA - thru LabelH, to give name to each vertex
-ValueA - thru ValueH, to enter the values. Use values from 0 to 5
-FillColor - to enter the colour of the shadow zone.
For more charts, visit https://firstcodeguide.com/componentes/
Radar Chart
in PowerApps click create
then click more data sources ( look at the right of the screen)
then to the left select Open and then browse files and select the file you downloaded.
Pls let me know if that works.
Best regards,
Radar Chart
hi Jorge.
Thank u for those resources. But whenever i am trying to import your msapp file into the power app platform it returns an error something went wrong please try again. Can u please help with that
Radar Chart
Hello JorgeLopez,
Can you also create on with 10 Vertex Radar Chart? That would definitely be awesome. I have checked the 12 Vertex one you made and it is great. Thank you in advance.
Radar Chart
Hello Arthur,
I did some changes in the SVG file. Now you can work with 3 Value Sets.
I added some more properties to the SVG, so you can control all colors in the graph (Text etc)
I hope this helps
Best Regards,
Radar Chart
Hello Arthur,
Yes it is possible. I need to do some adjustments in the SVG. I´ll work it tomorrow and then post it here.
Best Regards,
Radar Chart
It's perfect
Thank you
Last question i need to have three dataset inside my radar chart
Something like that but with 3 value
Radar Chart
Hello Arthur,
Pls see attached the pentagon radar with value scale from 0 to 100. Please let me know if this works for you.
Best regards,Jorge
Radar Chart
I would like to use this radar chart. How can I change the value scale from 0 to 5 to percentages from 0 to 100?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Radar Chart
Please use this syntax for ValueA property in the radar image:
Last(FirstN(Filter(RadarValues, Title = Dropdown1.SelectedText.Value))).ValueA
RadarValues is our Collection based on Sharepoint List and Dropdown1 is the dropdown box to select the user.
Remember that you need to update each value of the radar image using above command.
Pls see attached powerapps file for your reference
Also, it is possible to identify the current powerapps user so the app automatically update the radar with the user info.
Use this syntax to do that in the value properties of the image:
Last(FirstN(Filter(RadarValues, Title = User().Email))).ValueA
User().Email will get the email of the current PowerApps user.
Please let me know if this helps
Best Regards,Jorge
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