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Customer Capacity At Stores

darogael Profile Picture Posted by darogael 123

With the uncertainty of when stores can open back up at 100% capacity, there needs to be some way for store managers or owners to build a simple app that helps them monitor the current number of customers. This app is the tool that can be used by employees to track the coming and going out traffic of customers.

The below video walks you through how the app works. Attached are both screenshots and the Power Apps MSAPP file. The screenshots are zipped together. After you unzip them you can view the images of the SharePoint lists to recreate them as SharePoint lists in your own tenant or as tables in your SQL or Dataverse.


****The video will release on 1/4/2021 at 8:30 am EST****

***PS. I recommend you subscribe to my YouTube channel and set a notification to get automatic alerts when new videos are released.***


Mobile App Design and User Experience


  • Chuck1 Profile Picture Chuck1 2
    Posted at
    Customer Capacity At Stores

    Hi Daniel,


    Great job on this app! I will definitely use it!

    My first use for it will be at church.


    Thanks for your work!



  • iAm_ManCat Profile Picture iAm_ManCat 18,112
    Posted at
    Customer Capacity At Stores

    Hey Daniel!


    Happy to help - I was just worried that others might have missed your content as a result and I didn't realise it was planned to release on a certain date 🙂

    Thanks again for clearing that up!




  • darogael Profile Picture darogael 123
    Posted at
    Customer Capacity At Stores

    Hey Sancho,
    Always a pleasure to hear from you 😊.
    The video is scheduled to release on 1/4/2021 at 8:30 am EST and hence you are not seeing it. For now I have added a text right above the video to inform the readers and moving forward I'll submit my apps AFTER the video has released. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and for your patience!

  • iAm_ManCat Profile Picture iAm_ManCat 18,112
    Posted at
    Customer Capacity At Stores

    Hi @darogael!


    Could you please list this video as Unlisted rather than Private? We are not currently able to view the video 🙂


    Many Thanks!
