Hi Reza,

Many thanks for another excellent tutorial on flow approvals.

A problem I did experience was that the attachments could not be opened by the approver.  After spending sometime Googling this, the only way I could get the attachments to open was changing the "Append to Array Variable".  I had to add more attachment meta data:



 "content": {
 "$content-type": @{items('Apply_to_each')?['contentType']},
 "$content": @{items('Apply_to_each')?['contentBytes']}
 "name": @{items('Apply_to_each')?['name']}


See:  Add multiple attachments to an approval email with Power Automate (tachytelic.net)

Another issue is the that Approvals within MS Teams do not currently show the attachments (due to a bug?). Attachments only appear in Teams if the Approval is created within MS Teams which is rather disappointing. I hope they can fix this issue soon.

Best wishes,
