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Any date to standard date time converter

Pavel_NaNoi Profile Picture Posted 15 Jul 2022 by Pavel_NaNoi 1,072

Hello I'm Pavel_NaNoi I've done the manual coding labour so you don't have to, 


if you've ever dealt with extracting date-times from things like invoices, websites, software, etc. from different countries for use in your Power Automate Desktop automation you've probably run into the issue of coherency, where extracting the date-time resulted in it being different each time, breaking your automation as it can handle only 1 date-time format at a time, e.g. you've set the convert text to datetime to dd/MM/yyyy, but a different invoice has dd-MM-yy format, which will throw an error. 


This very simplistic in nature automation here will take care of that, its a huge list of "Convert text to datetime" actions packaged together with every possible date-time combination and format, all you need to do is to provide it the date and the "Format" used by whatever its scanning, so either DMY, MDY, YDM or YMD which would be done via some conditional statements in another part of your automation (unfortunately this part is unavoidable as otherwise it will overwrite it self as it for example doesn't know the difference between dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy and will overwrite one over the other, it needs AI to distinguish that for full autonomy), it also ignores any issues with separators as it parses for any possible separator and simply uses it.


Hope this helps.



Desktop flows
