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HTML Table to CSV or Pipe delimited text file

 Profile Picture Posted by Community member

This Power Automate Flow shows how to convert HTML tables into a machine-friendly format such as pipe-delimited file or csv. The delimiter character can easily be changed. I have presented the concept in a simple manual trigger on a hard-coded Html content (which itself doesn't contain standard HTML - just to show how bad it can get). This flow can be extended further to get the Html file content from SharePoint, OneDrive or Email content. The idea was to keep things simple so everyone can understand.

The trick is to only use '
Html to text' action to remove all the Html in order to avoid heavy parsing of the string.


The output file content can be viewed in a table by going to CSV Viewer (if you want to validate it).









  • abogdan Profile Picture abogdan
    Posted at
    HTML Table to CSV or Pipe delimited text file

    Hi @nmk , I have been trying to implement your method with getting data out of smartsheet and into an excel format. I believe they only have a way to get smartsheet contect in HTML format but cannot figure out how to convert to csv or xlsx. Any idea or solutions that may help?

  • mamaral Profile Picture mamaral 1
    Posted at
    HTML Table to CSV or Pipe delimited text file

    hello, i also tried to use the solution but i can't, a related feature appears that blocks completion, can anyone help?

  • HTML Table to CSV or Pipe delimited text file

    Hi! Looking to use a process like this within an automated email processing flow. I'd like to have a look and deconstruct it, but when importing the flow, it's requiring a content conversion connector:



    Can I ask what you're using for this, or if there's a custom connector needed? In typically Microsoft fashion, the information on the import page is about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

