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QR code generator

yfw Profile Picture Posted by yfw


This component takes text input and generate QR code of the text. 


Let us know if this is useful and what else would see this component to have! 


Happy building!



  • Woong Profile Picture Woong 14
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    Hi @nagaraj007 


    Yes, you can use it for commercial purpose.


    QR codes created on are completely free of charge (commercial and print usage allowed, including advertising).


    According to QR Code Generator ( which hosts that component uses.




  • nagaraj007 Profile Picture nagaraj007 292
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    Hi @HemantG 


    Please advise.. can we use this component for commercial purpose, as we might print around 2 lakhs of barcode in span 7 days.

  • yfw Profile Picture yfw
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    Adding @HemantG to the post, he is the feature PM to follow up with.  

  • nagaraj007 Profile Picture nagaraj007 292
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    @yfw ,


    Could you please advise.

  • johnels Profile Picture johnels
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    That would be a question for @yfw to answer.

  • nagaraj007 Profile Picture nagaraj007 292
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    Hi @johnels ,


    Can we use this component for commercial purpose? As i am planning to create visitor app with QR code and print it. So that when the visitor enters the office premises the QR code would be scanned.


    Please advise can this be used as Commercial purpose? so that there is no cost involved.

  • johnels Profile Picture johnels
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    With a little more work, this component could be made responsive and work better at smaller sizes. In particular, the following properties would need formulas so that all the controls can respond to the size of actual size of the component:

    • TextInput1.Y
    • Generate.X
    • Generate.Y
    • Label1.Height
  • VishalSalvankar Profile Picture VishalSalvankar 4
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    @yfw  The component works fine on mobile screen canvas application however I want to use it on tablet canvas application. Since the tablet screen height is less compared to mobile screen height, the component is not completely visible and changing the component height doesn't affect. Could you please guide me on how do I import this component into tablet canvas application or what modifications shall I do in the component to make it usable for both Tablet as well as Mobile canvas Application.

  • yfw Profile Picture yfw
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    Glad to hear! Let us know common reuse scenarios in your daily usage and post your component ideas in the following post! We will select common ones to build and share with the community!

  • DRabon Profile Picture DRabon 10
    Posted at
    QR code generator

    This one works perfect and it's no trouble at all. Actually, this was on my To-Do list to build this week. Thanks for developing it first! Anytime you need a tester just let me know!