Thank you for the video @RezaDorrani . Your videos have truly helped me expand my knowledge base. I was working on adding this functionality to one of my apps and cant seem to get the OData filter right.  I feel like I'm close but still so far away. Any suggestion on the script below would be extremally helpful.  Thank you again @RezaDorrani and thank you to anyone that can offer advice. 


"Site eq'" & varSite &"' and Created ge '"& StartDate.Value &"' and Created lt '"& EndDate.Value+1 &"'"& If(!IsBlank(txtRTTRoom.Value)," and StartsWith(Title,'"&txtRTTRoom.Value&"')") & " '"& If(!IsBlank(cbRTTTeamArea.Selected.Result), " and StartsWith(Unit,'"& cbRTTTeamArea.Selected.Result &"') ")
& "'"& If(!IsBlank(cbRTTAssign.Selected.Assignments)," and StartsWith(Assignment,'" & cbRTTAssign.Selected.Assignments &"')")