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Delay in CRUD WebApi for Power Pages

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Hello everyone,


I know for now that the caching takes some time that's why I cannot use FetchXML or rely on the portal itself to be able for realtime data manipulation. Therefore I implemented the CRUD WebApi in hope that it works in realtime.

In my tests I still have a delay of around 20 seconds, leading to the problem that if an item is sold out the Api tells the client it's still available.


Does anyone know how I can make a power page truly connected to dataverse in realtime.

Goal is that if 2 people press the purchase button on the same time, only one of the requests should be able to go through. 

  • Verified answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 9,079 on at
    Re: Delay in CRUD WebApi for Power Pages

    Hello, did you try the "date" trick that I mentioned on a previous post?

    I have an old article on Caching, but some elements are still relevant:

    What I do for every retrieve that I want to make sure to bypass the cache, I include a "name !=" so the query is always different.

    for example:

    url: "/_api/<table>?$select=<columns>&$filter=<appIdColumn> eq " + applicationId + " and <nameColumn> ne '" + + "'",

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