Good morning,
I'm currently tring to create a custom connector for Hubspot CRM, but i'm getting a C# error
because of a too long query string.
This is not easy to understand the error, but here are the step.
I configure a custom Connector with an Oauth 2.0 connection
Scheme : https
Host :
Base url : /
Client ID and Client Secret : from the app created with the hubspot interface.
Authorization url :
Token anf refresh URL :
Scope : contacts
this gave me a redirection URL as expected.
When I try a new connection (with test), i have a popup wich ask me for hubspot connexion, and i can log in correctly, but then i get the error about the query.
This seems not to be an hubspot issue, as the error is in C# from an Azure URL, and as when a provide a wrong Scope or a Scope for which i don't have access Hubspot provide an error from there website.
Does anyone have an idea to solve this error ?