Is there a way to have the Refresh button available with my bot on the front end so that the user can easily refresh the session if needed? Currently, I only see this option in the backend, when in Test mode. Is there a way for me to have this option easily available?
This feature is not available out of the box. However you could develop it if you create a custom canvas for the chat window.
You can submit a request for this feature here: https://aka.ms/CopilotStudioFeatureRequest
Thank you @remidyon
I have put the "start over" instruction in the bot logic but was wondering if having a "restart button" was currently an option in Copilot? This way the user can easily restart the conversation whenever needed.
If this feature isn't yet available, could I put in a request with you to get this? I feel it would be a very helpful feature to have. 🙂
Thank you!
Hi @vickytorres
The refresh button does the same as the "start over" instruction (which triggers the corresponding topic). You could build a quick reply in your bot logic to trigger that topic (or simply type in "start over" at any time)