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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse
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Flow details - The flow will monitor the mailbox and whenever new email comes i want to send to test team and get the acknowledgement for that. 
Running these flow from power automate and want to store the email subject and received time, forwarded time and acknowledgment received time . 
Where i can store these details ? is Dataverse suitable for this? is there any better approach to maintain the logs. 
These logs need to maintained for 30 days. is there any in-built mechanism available in dataverse to do auto-purging/ archive .
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,690 on at
    Could you capture and store the info in Dataverse = Yes.  Is it the best place for it, not sure.
    Can you remove old records = Yes. You can configure a Dataverse bulk delete job and schedule it  e.g. to run each day or different period to delete old records (e.g. created on date older than 30 days), or could also do the delete with a Flow on a Timer trigger (but if Flow and more than 5,000 records to clean up, need to adjust the settings on your List row action,  and if will be more than that max then build in the handling of the next records token).

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