I have a lookup list named 'State Email Master' with the state (text), email address (text), and Rep (person field, multi-choice) fields. I have Three additional fields in my main form named State, 'Rep Email' (text), and 'Rep' (person field). I successfully have the 'Rep Email' field populated when the state field matches from the form to the lookup list using the below formula:
LookUp('States Email Master', State = Dropdown1.Selected.State, 'Email Address')
However I can't get the 'Rep' person field to populate from the lookup list using the same formula, obviously trying different field name combinations for the rep field.
This is what I used for the 'Reps' field in my form:
Concat(LookUp('States Email Master', State = Dropdown1.Selected.State, 'Sales Reps'), DisplayName, ",")
It's coming up with a generic message stating there is an error somewhere, if I use Concatenate instead it says the function has some invalid arguments.
The question is - your Rep column is a multi-select column...so, which choice would you want to look up?? The first one, the last one, or all of them?
First one:
First(LookUp('States Email Master', State = Dropdown1.Selected.State, Rep)).DisplayName
Last one:
Last(LookUp('States Email Master', State = Dropdown1.Selected.State, Rep)).DisplayName
All of them:
Concat(LookUp('States Email Master', State = Dropdown1.Selected.State, Rep), DisplayName, ",")
I hope this is helpful for you.