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Power Pages - General Discussions

Power Pages - customize Progressive Web App icon on iPhone

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We have configured our Power Pages site as a progressive web app.  I would like to customize the icon shown on the iPhone home screen when the site is saved.  Currently, the site is saved with a large, single letter on black background.  Is it possible to change the icon to something of my choice, or at least change the background color?

Microsoft's PWA documentation  indicates that for iOS devices, the PWA will be shown as thumbnails.  That is not my experience - we are getting a large, single letter as the icon.  I have tried working with many variations of <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"> in the site's <head>, as recommended in various PWA/Apple guides, but still get only the single letter icon.


Very interested to hear if anyone has been able to override the default 'letter' icon on iOS for their Power Pages PWA, and if so, how.





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