Hi everyone
We are currently experiencing issues with the Custom Connectors. When trying to create/update a custom connector and save the changes, an error shows up with the following message:
*The request failed with client error: '{"Code":"","Message":"PUT ...?import=true&protocols=https&protocols=http&path=....&api-version=2019-01-01 failed with Conflict, content={\"error\":{\"code\":\"PessimisticConcurrencyConflict\",\"message\":\"Operation on the API is in progress\",\"details\":null}}","Target":null,"Details":[],"Innererror":null}'. The correlation Id is '...'.
* Client request aborted. Please see https://aka.ms/powerAutomateClientRequestAborted for more details.
We also get error messages when exporting a solution to another environment that contains a custom connector.
We have tried this on different tenants with custom connectors and with multiple devices. It always returns on of the above error messages.
Could anyone help us with this?