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SharePoint Integration - My Documents

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I need to create a new page "My Document" in my Power Page Portal where every Contact registered on the portal can see own Sharepoint Documents
In particular I've created a new Form in the Portal with some fields related to "Contact" Table and a List based on "Document Location" table.
Then in the Portal management I've set:
So the main record is the current portal user (contact) and my expectation is that when a user go in My Documents page automatically is created a folder in Contact site content in Sharepoint.
After creating a contact and sent the portal invitation code, the external contact user has able to sign in in the portal, access to My Documents page but he see in the portal:

And on SharePoint site (configured based on entity Contact):

I do not see any folder created:
Are there something that I missing to permit the automatic creation of contact folder with the relative contactId in the name?
Best Regards
  • GWham Profile Picture
    GWham 58 on at
    SharePoint Integration - My Documents
    You could try giving global entity permissions temporarily to rule out a permissions issue.
  • RK2021 Profile Picture
    RK2021 51 on at
    SharePoint Integration - My Documents
    As suggested - Is the folder being created at all i.e. is visible on SharePoint in Contact library? If not the issue is earlier in the process.
    I also believe there are some constraints around the document grid and which view is used.
  • SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,931 on at
    SharePoint Integration - My Documents

    If the folder is not created:

    Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > System Jobs in Dynamics. Look for the "Document Location Auto Create" job. If it has failed: Open the error log for details. Fix any missing configurations or permissions in Dynamics.

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