I have found a couple posts related to this but can't find an answer. I'm trying to copy a file from an on-prem SFA to a Dropbox folder when a file is added to that SFA folder. I have set up a Data Gateway and a connection. In one flow I added the File System trigger "When a file is added or modified (properties only)" and had the action be just send me an email. Perfectly works - no problem. Happy.
So, then I added any number of other actions attempting to get the content of the file such as "Get file content using path" and added the dynamic content "Path" there. Failure, with an error "There is no folder..." with the EXACT same path that works for the trigger. In fact, if I were to use the File System picker in that action I could navigate to the file. So, I know it sees it there. Sad.
What am I missing? How could this be this hard when the trigger and email worked so easily???
Really not sure what's happening either.
That "\.DS_Store" in the input path might be the problem.
In such case, it may be worth trimming this part out of the path string an retry.
When I look at the input of the trigger, I see the folder as correctly ending with "...\Appointments" but in the input of any action I see the path ending like this "\Appointments\.DS_Store". I'm not sure what that means. I am on a Mac dragging the files in and out of the connected server to test. In any case, the error just says "There is no folder '<omitted for privacy>...\Appointments' located on your file system. That is not true.