Hi all,
I am relatively new to Power Automate, but am trying to create a flow that will create tasks in Planner when a task is created in Project (ultimately I am trying to work out if assignment will be able to be copied and changes copied each way, but creating the tasks in planner is the first goal).
My flow is failing at the first hurdle, connecting to a project. I have entered the url of the team as
which seems to be what it wants. I am pretty sure this is the right team as clicking on Team files in the top right ... menu in Project goes to that team site.
I have then entered the project id as the (what looks like a) GUID from the url of the actual project (after ?projectId=).
I haven't tried any filtering yet.
This is the error I get when I run a test:
{"odata.error":{"code":"1164, Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.ProjectInstanceNotFoundException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"ProjectInstanceNotFound: No rows in MSP_WEB_ADMIN table for the site collection. Possibly PWA was not provisioned or it is deleted."}}}
I would be very grateful if anyone has any ideas for how to solve this?
Many thanks in advance!
Pretty difficult to follow your handle, Anonymous if you respond anonymously.
First: generally with Project Online I've had success with a different URL structure. For example: https://mystuff.mySPoint.com/sites/pwa/ The error appears to be telling us "Possibly PWA was not provisioned..." because its looking for that PWA link. If you search on my handle you should see some other examples of how I connect to Project Online. Second: I've had various levels of success syncing Project Online with Planner. I succeed when I keep it simple and do in words "On publish of Project...sync all the tasks to Planner" and "On completion of Planner Task, sync that one task to Project" I tend to over complicate and ask "what if I have 3 tasks all named 'Code Review' how do I differentiate?" so I started working with Project's unique ID feature concatenating it with task name. So the above became Code Review 127 and Code Review 215 and Code Review 299. As you get further along I'll dust off my sync code and share bits of it.