I have the most simple flow ever with. I want an email to be sent when an Opportunity closes as Won in Dynamics 365. I keep getting a skipped for some reason. The triigger is our Dynamics 365 CRM / Opportunities entitiy ; the condition is when the status is equal to Won; then send an email. Why is it being skipped??
I have a super simple flow that does the same thing. It doesn't fail, it just skips 75% of the time, but there is nothing to indicate the flow should not have been successful. It is also a flow that sends an email.
Hi @TexasBI,
What did you mean by skipped? Did you mean that the flow won't fire at all when you update the opportuntiy with "won" status? If so, please try to reconnect your Dynamics connection and test again.
Hey @v-monli-msft
It still says it failed. Do I need to do something in Dynamics because i made the most simple flow ever and it gets Skipped?? this one I made was just to send me a new email when a new opportuntiy is created .
Hi @TexasBI,
I got one Opportunity's status changed to Won and then my flow has one run like this:
Did you get the same result?
Hi @TexasBI,
I choosed the Opportunities entity but it does not contain the status dynamic content:
Would you please share your configuration in this flow?