I want to limit the fields returned from sales force but when I put a list of fields I want returned Flow returns all the fields.
I've put this in the "Select Query" section in advanced options using spaces, commas, and semi-colons as the delimiter and no matter what I do it returns all the SF fields
Name, CreatedDate,pse__Account__c,pse__Is_Active__c,pse__Is_Billable__c,Schedule_Status__c,GEO__c
I'm using the SharePoint "when record is modified" trigger. I can't et the image upload to work so hopefully one of these links will show the screenshot
does the SQL get rows (and other SQL flow triggers) work with SharePoint?
here's the raw dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/l9e2uqel4etui7f/sp-connector.png?dl=0
Hi @drhomey,
Could you please share a screenshot of your flow’s configuration?
Do you use “Get rows” action of SQL Server connector?
The data structure of my SQL Table as below:
I have made a test on my side and the flow works well. Please take a try with the following workaround:
Note: Within “Select Query” property, I typed two fields (Carline and StartYear). There is a comma and a space between Carline field and StartYear field.
The flow works successfully as below:
Bets regards,