we have been working on a custom connector for some time and have had some issues with token refreshing. We have setup the connector to use generic oAuth 2.0, retrieving access tokens and a refresh token works for an initial period.
Access tokens are also refreshed regularly. However, we have token rotation and expiry enabled on our refresh tokens every 2 weeks. After this point access tokens are no longer refreshed for the connector, our identity provider includes a new refresh token when the current refresh token is exchanged for renewed access.
Does a custom connector (and the built-in authentication) support rotation of refresh tokens, or does it expect the refresh token to be valid indefinitely?
Many thanks
I have the same question. Did you ever solve this. I have the same problem. My tokens refresh for as long as the refresh token is valid (588000 seconds ~ 6.8 days). After 7 days, I have to manually refresh the token in order to get a new refresh token.
Did you ever find a solution to this?