Very good afternoon to the entire community. I need to send emails to several emails attaching a pdf.
Email addresses and other data that is dynamic are obtained from a gallery:
I am trying to send an email to each address and yes it is possible but I have problems with the PDF since it does not change the data. Any ideas or suggestions?
This is my code:
Set(varPDF333;PDF(PDFFRPVE;{ExpandContainers: true }));;ForAll(Gallery6.AllItems As Gal;Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2(Gal.Label9_4.Text;"Reporte Mensual de Desempeño en SSOMA "&Gal.Label9.Text;"Apreciado gerente de "&Gal.Label9.Text;{Importance:"High";Attachments:Table({ContentBytes:varPDF333;Name:"Flash Report Post Venta "&".pdf"})}))