I have a flow that is getting response details from a form. There are five education questions in the form, each with the option to upload one file. The flow also creates one list item for EACH education responses (using array/apply to each). If there are three education responses, the respondent has three list items created. I'd like to have the file uploads for each of the education questions attached to the associated list item. I can get the first one to work, but not multiple.
Response submitted
Get response details
Initialize variable - array - all education responses
Apply to each - use array
Condition - Current item is not equal to "blank"
Create item (list item in sharepoint for each education response)
Here is where I add the attachment:
Parse JSON - education upload file #1
Get file content using path (Onedrive) - point it to the onedrive folder
Add attachment
I tried adding parse JSON for each but it errored.