I'm trying create Custom connector and get data from my pwa. I know that I can do it with prepared connectors, but I want to prepare my own package.
Actions like: _api/web/lists is ok
but _api/ProjectData/Projects doesn't work = (403) GeneralSecurityAccessDenied.
Which Api permission I need to add to my Api registrations on Azure ?
When I use Actions -> Send an HTTP request to SharePoint, everything is ok
Best Regards
No, I changed the assumptions of the project and wrote a lot of functionality in spfx. I'm sorry I couldn't help.
Did you find a solution to this? Going through the same thing myself right now
Yes I know. As you can see I'm testing this on my tenant to whom I have full access. When I use "Send to HTTP request to SP" - everything is fine with simple Rest, I have access. But when I use Custom Connector - I use OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory credentials - My question is which Api permissions do I need to add ? (I repeat - in Custom Connector a simple rest such as _api/web/lists, {ProjectName}/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('{ListName}')/Items work well
It seems that the credentials you provided are not acceptable.