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How to check if my Chatbot is published sucessfully on MS Teams

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I built up a Chatbot for people within my orgniazation and published it on MS Teams following the instruction last week.

I came across the message saying "the approval to publish the bot within the organization was sent to the system administrator" and I reached out to the IT reponsible who approved to install Power Virtual Agent on my computer. 

However, the IT guy said he hasn't received any approval request email from PVA and I get lost where to check out my bot's status. 


Can you please help me check out my bot's as-is status(is still waiting for system admin's approval)? 

Also, I would like to know who within my organization received the approval request email from PVA for publishing. 


Thank you. 


  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: How to check if my Chatbot is published sucessfully on MS Teams

    Hi @hoyumom, I'm not aware of an expiry date for app request, but I'm not a Teams expert.

    The related documentation is available here: User requests for admins - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

  • hoyumom Profile Picture
    hoyumom 7 on at
    Re: How to check if my Chatbot is published sucessfully on MS Teams

    Hi, Henry

    Thanks for your reply! I will share the link with the IT team for their information. 

    By the way, one more question to ask. 

    Is there an expiry date for the approval request? (What if system administraror doesn't approve for so long on my request?) 

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: How to check if my Chatbot is published sucessfully on MS Teams

    Hi @hoyumom,


    This should be done on the Microsoft Teams admin side.

    I.e. from here, for your Teams administrator:





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