I have couple of questions regarding Power Apps per app plan and management of that plan. Even though I allocated this plan to different environments and assigned App passes I am still confused how one can control this.
Let's say I have an application for 50 users, but I only have 10 App passes available. When I allocate these 10 passes inside specific environment, and then I share the app with 50 users (AAD security group), how does the app access work in that situation? I am asking this because at this moment I only need 10 licenses for 10 active users, but at some point more users will start using the app. Since they are already in the AAD sec group with which the app is shared, how Power Apps determine which 10 users are using the app?
I also noticed that auto assign per app pass option is automatically enabled for all apps inside the environment where the per app plan is allocated. Is there a way to disable that option and then manually activate it only for the app that is in use? This further complicates license management as I can't control which Power Apps app is consuming the plan.
Sounds complicated, but MS licensing is complicated and no clear explanation is provided on their site, so no wonder the question is also complicated too.