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O365Outlook connnector. dont switch account

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I'm using the O365 calendar connector to get booking details on resource calendars. 









I had to make myself a delegate on the calendars for it to work. 

When other users use the app they are asked to sign in with their own O365 account to use the outlook connector. 

But as they arent a delegate, GetEventsCalendarViewV3 doesnt work and gives an error. 



Is there a way to force the outlook connector to use the account I set when editing the app, and not ask the user to sign in?
Or maybe another way to accomplish this?

  • Verified answer
    Re: O365Outlook connnector. dont switch account

    Hi @nick9one1 ,


    The only way is to let your users to switch their accounts with your account.




    Best Regards,


  • nick9one1 Profile Picture
    nick9one1 265 on at
    Re: O365Outlook connnector. dont switch account

    I think you misunderstood my question. 


    How can I achieve this without using flow, but just the 


     action inside powertapps. 

  • Re: O365Outlook connnector. dont switch account

    You could try:

    1.Change the trigger of this Flow to PowerAPPs (V2)

    2. On the details page of the flow, click the "Edit" button next to "Run only users":




    3. On the "Manage run-only permissions" panel, make sure to select "Use this connection (...)"(use your credentials) from the "Connection Used" dropdown list.





    Best Regards,


    Hi @nick9one1 ,

  • nick9one1 Profile Picture
    nick9one1 265 on at
    Re: O365Outlook connnector. dont switch account

    The only way I could think to do this is with Powerautomate. The equavalent Office365Outlook.GetEventsCalendarView action can be performed by a differnt use than has launched the Powerapp. 

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