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Patch multiselect combobox into SharePoint multi person field by retaining existing values.

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            GS_Shared_Greenhouse, ID = colUpdate_SharedCollections[@ID]
            SharedUsers: cbxUsers_SharedCollections.SelectedItems
Hi everyone,
The code patches the values from the combobox into SharedUsers(Multi person field in SharePoint). However, it is removing the existing values in "SharedUsers" when I patch it. I would like to retain the existing values, how do I do that?
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    narayan225 Profile Picture
    narayan225 2,390 on at
    Patch multiselect combobox into SharePoint multi person field by retaining existing values.
    Generally when using combo-box, you render the combo-box with the list of items that are already selected and when you select more items, it patches the existing ones and the new one seamlessly.
    Because you want to patch the multi-choice field with both the existing selection as well as the new ones, you will need to first store the existing items in a collection.
    Then, use the selected items property to add new items into that collection and later patch the collection to the multi-choice column in SharePoint.
    ClearCollect(existingchoiceslist,LookUp(DataSource,LookUpCondition.Column); //this will store the column data to the existinchoiceslist collection.
    ForAll(existingchoicelist, Collect(choicelist, ThisRecord)); //This is to look out for duplicates
    Collect(choicelist, comboBox.SelectedItems); //This will then create a final collection with both existing value and selected values
    After this you can try and patch the column using the above formula that you provided.
    hope this works.

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