I have 2 share point list -
1. Transaction List - Contains client transaction details with country column and does not contain email id of country managers.
2. Country Mangers List - Contains email ids of each country managers along with country column.
Both lists have country as common column.
My requirement is to send email to country mangers whenever transaction share point is updated with entries. I have achieved the same with help of an expert from community. The flow starts with auto trigger when item is created in transaction list and reads country managers list and sends email. And it works perfect for below example transaction list .
Each item contains different countries , Country managers get email when an entry is created in transaction list
But the same flow sends 4 emails to same manager when Transaction share point list is updated with entries for same country like below. Which I would like to avoid.
I understand that this is expected behavior when the auto trigger is defined as "When an item is created" in Transaction share point list.
But I would like to know of any alternate way to send only one email if transaction share point list is updated with entries for the same country, It does not have to auto trigger . I can easily do it if email id is contained in Transaction list itself . But
How can I combine 2 share point list and look up to send email with manual trigger.
Flow I created is below.