Hi all, we have a requirement to restrict b2c sign ups to only invited users. providing Sign up option on the B2C sign in page is not an option for us because eventhough the user might not be able to access (as we removed open registraiton option in power pages), but the user will still get an identity created in the b2c. We dont want to have these identities getting created as well.
We thought having 2 different policies will help user to redirect to either sign in or sign up but this doesnt seem to work with power pages. Any body tried this approach?
essentially what I'm looking for is - Is it possible to use 2 different Policies for Sign in and Sign up journeys ?
This probably work.. ie, you want us to keep the identity open for all, but when a user tries to register we should first check if the user is "eligible" to register or not and then let the identity create.
This is what you mean @Fubar , correct? That involves a bit more work than I expected..
For now, the simplest solution I found for the situation is, whenever a external identity record is created with issuer url as SignUP url , create one another with the same identity id but the issuer url as SignIn url.
I was expecting the "Valid Issuers" setting would work by giving both the urls as valid urls but that is not the case, unfortunately..
This is an interesting post, thanks for sharing @EmadBeshai . The interesting point in this post for me (kinda surprise) is - it says, if we want to use AADB2C, it is not possible to have the issuer url as a custom domain (like for example - in my case it is https://login.ciam.clientname.come/) ... it expects the domain to contain ".b2clogin.com"..
Any one know this? I dont see any official documentation in this regard. Something to check with Microsoft i guess.
You can also implement a custom B2C policy, that validates against another data source i.e. have your B2C verify details against Dataverse before creating the user in B2C. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/api-connectors-overview?pivots=b2c-custom-policy
Hi @SAlluri ,
Can you please have a look to this article Getting Power Apps Portal to work with Custom Policies in Azure AD B2C - WhoIAM
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