I have a offline/online app that saves to a collection, then uploads to sharepoint when online. I have a sharepoint list with name, company, date, Image, etc and have been able to get the image into the sharepoint list as blob format. I then used a powerflow to convert the image to jpeg, but.... the problem i am having is with the flow getting the image file into the right place. I can get the powerflow to convert the image to the ImageList within Sharepoint, however, i have a sharepoint list with numerous fields and require the image file to go to the same location as the appres://blobmanager/0ff18ae33bbd4b.... I have named the column title in my Collection as "Image" and have a sharepoint column, "Image" and can get the blobmanager version in there, just cant seem to find how to get the powerflow version in there. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
This sounds like a Power Automate question rather than a PowerApps question. You are welcome to post it here but I suggest you post this in the Power Automate Community instead. You’ll get a quicker and better response over there
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