I have created a flow which will do archiving of a selected file to an another library. But while i am getting a new kind of error while the flow trying to archive.
Cannot open file "https://tcd.sharepoint.com/sites/Documents/ArchiveFQuality/2.0..NB.39-Food_Safety_and_Quality_Policy_Statement.doc". CallStack -- at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.CreateOrUpdateFileAndItem(String bstrUrl, String bstrWebRelativeUrl, Guid& docId, Object punkDoc, Int32 docLength, Int32 exists, String bstrCreatedBy, String bstrModifiedBy, Int32 iCreatedByID, Int32 iModifiedByID, Int32 iVersion, Object varTimeCreated, Object varTimeLastModified, Object varProperties, String checkInComment, Int32 docLibRowID, String bstrListName, Int32 bNoExecute, SPFileSaveParams sfsp, UInt32& pdwVirusCheckStatus, String& pVirusCheckMessage, Object& pvarMergedProperties)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.FileSerializer.CreateOrUpdateFileWithGuid(Stream spstm, SPLoggerObject loggerObject, SPWeb web, Guid fileId, SPResourcePath filePath, String fileValue, Int64 bytesInAzure, String quickXorHash, Int32 authorId, String authorLoginName, Int32& editorId, String editorLoginName, String checkinComment, DateTime& timeCreated, DateTime& timeLastModified, MetaInfoHandler metaInfo, Int64 length, Int32 iVersion, Boolean isFirstVersion, Nullable`1 isLastVersion, SPImportSettings settings, Int32 listItemId, String listInternalName, Boolean hasNoExecuteFlag, ImportObjectManager objectManager, DecryptionInfo decryptionInfo, Boolean createAntlerFile, Guid parentId, Object& propertyArray, Object& mergedMetaProperties)
clientRequestId: 44baec3f-93a5-4e18-a785-5f7c7177c512
serviceRequestId: 44baec3f-93a5-4e18-a785-5f7c7177c512
Any suggestions on this.
Can you post a screen shot of your Flow? That will be a big help to those trying to assist.