I try to connect Pinterest account but I have every time this error :
OAuth2 authorization flow failed for service 'Pinterest'. OAuth 2 sign in failed to exchange code for access token. Client ID and secret sent in form body.. Response status code=429. Response body: { "message": "You have exceeded your rate limit. Try again later.", "type": "api" } Client ID and secret sent in Basic authorization header.. Response status code=429. Response body: { "message": "You have exceeded your rate limit. Try again later.", "type": "api" }
Somebody have a solution?
Pinterest connector has been broken due to changes made on the Pinterest side. Looks like Pinterest migrated our apps without informing us, which resulted in new clientId/clientSecret and hence all the existing connections are broken. We are working with Pinterest support to see what the next steps are - they have been slow in responding, but as soon as we have an update and get the connector working again, we will update this thread.
I'm new here, I try to make my first flow with pinterest, but I have the error directly when I try to connect my account. So I have never run flow. I have try with different pinterest account but it's the same.
The 429 error means your app has made too many requests and has hit the rate limit of an API. The 429 (Too Many Requests) error is an HTTP status code is a client error sent back from the server to signal that you've reached your allowed limit.
In short, Pinterest limits how many API calls you can make to their API. How your Flow is currently setup, or how else you're using your API connection is causing your API token/credentials to reach their maximum threshold.
If you have nested loops, you could be causing issues with your Flow design itself - or the job you're trying to do is just too big for their free API limits. Pinterest could have also flagged your account for rate limit blocks.
Each app (with a unique app ID) is allowed 1000 calls per endpoint per hour for each unique user token. The 60-minute window is a sliding window based on when you make your first request. If you hit your rate limit, you’ll only have to wait a max of 1 hour to get a few more requests.
If you could provide an expanded screenshot of your Flow and steps, your Flow run history, and of any detailed error messages you're receiving we could likely better assist you. Also, for the best results, you may want to review How to write a good forum post.
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