My flow stopped working and states an authentication error with my one drive for business connection, however selecting the fix did not resolve the problem. When I tried to create a new connection i receive this error:-
The request failed with client error: 'Input parameters are invalid. See details for more information. Details:OAuth2CertificateOneDriveForBusiness Authorization Flow failed for service OneDrive For Business Certificate. MSGraph drive endpoint failed. StatusCode=400 (BadRequest), Response= {"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Tenant does not have a SPO license.","innerError":{"date":"2024-05-24T00:21:22","request-id":"566f8836-4801-4994-bbf8-a80ceb1c832f","client-request-id":"566f8836-4801-4994-bbf8-a80ceb1c832f"}}}.'. The correlation Id is 'b42becc2-d862-4ac5-8e50-0f52f6c309ae'.