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Power Apps form - combo box not updating SPO list

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I'm newer to the power apps world. I recently took over two SPO lists and a power apps form that was created for the SPO List 2 to allow users to enter new items into the SPO list.
SPO List 1:
-contains active and inactive job bids
-some fields include:
job bid number and description
job bid status
wage rate
SPO List 2:
-contains a list of those that have applied to the job bids
-some fields include:
person number
teammate name
job bid - lookup to SPO list 1 - pulls in several fields from SPO list but main one is job bid status
acknowledge confirmation
Power Apps Form: (connected to SPO List 2):
-person number - text box
-teammate name - combo box
-job bid - combo box - based on SPO List 1 where job bid status = Active. Should return Job bid number and description, but isn't since adding the filter for active.
-acknowledgement - combo box
All of the fields in the Power Apps form are populating in the SPO List 2 except for job bid. It is not updating now that I added the filter to only look at job bids that are active. I can't figure out why it won't send the data back. I've looked numerous articles but nothing has worked. Any ideas?
Code for the Job Bid field on the Power Apps form is below.
- Job Bid_DataCard1:
    Control: TypedDataCard
    Variant: comboBoxEditCard
      DataField: ="Job_Bid_Number_and_Description"
      Default: =ThisItem.'Job Bid'
      DisplayName: =DataSourceInfo([@'Job Bid Forms'],DataSourceInfo.DisplayName,'Job Bid')
      Required: =true
      Update: =DataCardValue3.Selected
      DisplayMode: =Parent.DisplayMode
      Height: =50
      Y: =2
    - StarVisible3:
        Control: Label
          Text: ="*"
          Align: =Align.Center
          Height: =DataCardKey3.Height
          PaddingLeft: =0
          Visible: =And(Parent.Required, Parent.DisplayMode=DisplayMode.Edit)
          Width: =30
          Wrap: =false
          X: =2
          Y: =DataCardKey3.Y
    - ErrorMessage3:
        Control: Label
          Live: =Live.Assertive
          Text: =Parent.Error
          AutoHeight: =true
          Height: =10
          PaddingBottom: =0
          PaddingLeft: =0
          PaddingRight: =0
          PaddingTop: =0
          Size: =10.5
          Visible: =Parent.DisplayMode=DisplayMode.Edit
          Width: =Parent.Width - 60
          X: =32
          Y: =DataCardValue3.Y + DataCardValue3.Height
    - DataCardValue3:
        Control: Classic/ComboBox
          DisplayFields: =["Title","Job Bid","Job Bid Status"]
          InputTextPlaceholder: ="Find Items"
          Items: =Filter('Job Bids', 'Job Bid Status' = "Active")
          SearchFields: =["ComplianceAssetId"]
          SelectMultiple: =false
          Tooltip: =Parent.DisplayName
          BorderColor: =If(IsBlank(Parent.Error), Parent.BorderColor, Color.Red)
          DisplayMode: =Parent.DisplayMode
          PaddingLeft: =If(Self.DisplayMode = DisplayMode.Edit, 5, 0)
          Width: =Parent.Width - 60
          X: =32
          Y: =DataCardKey3.Y + DataCardKey3.Height + 5
    - DataCardKey3:
        Control: Label
          Text: =Parent.DisplayName
          AutoHeight: =true
          Height: =34
          PaddingLeft: =0
          Width: =Parent.Width - 60
          Wrap: =false
          X: =32
          Y: =10
  • Suggested answer
    Ravindra Jadhav Profile Picture
    Ravindra Jadhav 240 on at
    Power Apps form - combo box not updating SPO list
    Please Check Default Property Of combobox
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    Thank You
    Ravindra Jadhav
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 29,419 on at
    Power Apps form - combo box not updating SPO list
    I do not quite understand. It sounds like the column in SPO 2 has a LookUp to SPO 1???
    Why would you filter them, shouldn't you be selecting the one that is assigned to SPO 2?
    What was it before you changed it?
    You say its not populating it, but its a lookup, is the person selecting one?

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