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Power Automate - Using Connectors

Workday HCM Connector Does not Return Full Dataset

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The Workday HCM connector does not return the address lines in the "Get Employee Personal Info" operation.  These fields appear without an issue using WorkDay's soap endpoint.  Please see example payloads below.


Here is what is returned from the Workday HCM connector "Get Employee Personal Info" operation (note the missing address fields)



address_Data: [
 "country_Reference": {
 "country_ISO_Code": "USA"
 "municipality": "sanitized",
 "submunicipality": "",
 "region": "Sanitized",
 "postal_Code": "55555",
 "usage_Data": {
 "type_Data": {
 "type_Reference": {
 "communicationUsageTypeID": "Work"
 "country_Reference": {
 "country_ISO_Code": "USA"
 "municipality": "Sanitized",
 "submunicipality": "",
 "region": "Sanitized",
 "postal_Code": "55555",
 "usage_Data": {
 "type_Data": {
 "type_Reference": {
 "communicationUsageTypeID": "Home"




Here is what is returned via the SOAP call directly to the WorkDay server.  Note that "Address_Line" is included in the returned payload.



<wd:Address_Data wd:Last_Modified="2015-05-24T20:35:13.915-07:00" wd:Effective_Date="1900-01-01">
 <wd:Address_Line wd:Type="ADDRESS_LINE_1" wd:Descriptor="Address Line 1">SANITIZED</wd:Address_Line>
 <wd:Usage_Data wd:Public="1">
 <wd:Type_Reference wd:Primary="1">Work</wd:Type_Reference>




Please advise



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