Hello Power Apps community,
I hope you can help please.
I have a Dataverse for Teams table called "Enterprise Platform Team".
It has a child table called "Metrics".
On the "Metrics" table it has a lookup column called "Platform Team" that looks up to the parent table "Enterprise Platform Team".
I am creating a canvas app.
It has a form where I can add data into a record for the "Metrics" table.
On the form I have many columns.
One column is the lookup "Platform Team" column.
I want to be able to hide certain columns depending on the value in the "Platform Team" column.
So if the "Platform Team" datacard value is "Hot" as an example, I want to hide a datacard called "Cost"
I tried to do this on the Visible property of the "Cost" datacard , but can never get the formula right.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It must be something to do with the column being a lookup.
@RandyHayes hope you don't mind me tagging you in, but you're the man when it comes to forms.
Thanks very much,
@GarryPope Glad to help! Have a great day!
@CNT , woohoo! That worked great. I just had to swap out Disabled, Edit with true, false.
Thanks so much for your quick reply and great answer.
@GarryPope Try this (please replace control & column names as required),
If(PlatformTeamComboBox.Selected.'Column Name'=LookUp('Enterprise Platform Team', 'Column Name'="Hot").'Column Name', Disabled, Edit)