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Provide anonymous user access to single web page

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My portal restricts access to anonymous users via the Home Page permissions. I have the "I want to choose who can see this page" option set to Authenticated Users only on Home. All other pages use Home as the parent page and inherit these permissions.

I'm now trying to create one specific page that does allow anonymous access. I realize I can break the inheritance permissions for this single page, but when selecting the "I want to choose who can see this page" option, I'm still only able to select the Authenticated Users option because this is the only web role that was included when setting the Home page permissions.

I tried to create a web page access control rule to override this, but I get this error message and it does not work:

Is there any other way I can create a page or even a content snippet that is accessible to anonymous users via a URL? I know the local authentication sign-in and register pages are just content snippets that can be accessed through a URL, so perhaps I could do something similar? Any suggestions?

@oliver.rodrigues @ragavanrajan
  • RK2021 Profile Picture
    RK2021 41 on at
    Provide anonymous user access to single web page
    My suggestion would be to not restrict the home page itself to authenticated users. Instead, the home page should allow anonymous access, but set the access controls as in your screenshot for all the child pages except for the one you have identified as being open to all. 
    In practice, your home page navigation bar should then have sign in and the open page - with the rest hidden until sign-in.
    If you have content on your home page that you wish to restrict to authenticated users, then you can use liquid to check for the users roles and show/hide dynamically.
  • Nerd_Gorilla1 Profile Picture
    Nerd_Gorilla1 31 on at
    Provide anonymous user access to single web page
    @SaiRT14 - Thanks but there is no checkbox in the portal mgmt app on the webpage record to unherit permissions. I checked both the information page and content page options.

    This option only exists in the studio editor as shown in my screenshot above.
  • SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,666 on at
    Provide anonymous user access to single web page
    Go to the Portals Management App. Find the page you want to make accessible to anonymous users. Open the page record and uncheck Inherit Permissions from Parent Page. Under the Permissions section: Select I want to choose who can see this page. Add the Anonymous Users web role.
    pls try. thanks

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