I am wondering difference between Office 365 public facing website vs PowerApps Portal site.
As you know SharePoint Public facing site is no longer supported so does that mean by using this PowerApps Portal we can kind of create similar experience and it's open for all or external users.
Please share your view how PowerApps portals are different than O365 public facing website which was supported earlier.
Thanks , Keval
You can purchase different thresholds of page views and while you'll see portals via a Google Crawler or similar of pages that are already indexed and its true some bots can create an inflation of non-legitimate pageviews. Microsoft removes search crawlers through user agents, at least the ones Microsoft is aware of which are updated quarterly. Also, Microsoft doesn't count page views for any page that responds with >400 status. For example the maintenance page responds with 503, so Microsoft doesn't count page views against that and bot and chats won't cache since it responds with 503. Hope this helps; I'm a Microsoft employee.
I did see after I posted that PowerApps portals will support an anonymous access feature. But when using anonymous access each page hit incurs a cost. This was not true of the older Office 365 public sites. Anonymous Access is available, but I don't think the cost model is designed to support a true public facing web site.
Thanks fr your reply @Pstork1
Actually powerapps also supports anonmyous access.
Yes, PowerApps portals is designed to have public facing site. You can require logins etc. as well for some of it, but keep in mind that they will not be free to spin up like the SharePoint portal is. Check out this article: https://msdynamicsworld.com/story/microsoft-reveals-powerapps-portals-pricing-and-licensing-approach
Roughly 100 dollars per month for up to 100k views of your portal.
You can read more about the specifics of PowerApps portals here:
The first and probably most important difference is that Office 365 public facing site had an anonymous access mode. PowerApps portals can be shared with external users, but as fas as I know there is no anonymous access mode. In SharePoint you can share a site with an external user and the same is true of PowerApps Portals. The key to PowerApps portals is that it provides a development model for extending customer portals in Dynamics 365 using PowerApps programming. It is not a return to public facing sites.