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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

DataVerse (Teams): Creating an Employee Table

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Totally new to DataVerse and now researching and watching lots of Videos, but know you guys & girls are very knowledgeable & therefore asking my question here.


I plan to create an off-boarding "Business Process Flow" and want to create an "Employee" table for all leavers, but instead of manually entering all the user details already stored in AD/Azura AD, I was hoping I could simply create the columns such as "UserID", Email Address", "Manager", etc. and upon entering the UserID it populated all the other columns for AD/AD Azure/O365 Users, etc.

Is this possible and if so, how?

Thanks in advance.

  • EricRegnier Profile Picture
    EricRegnier 8,705 on at
    Re: DataVerse (Teams): Creating an Employee Table

    Hi @StuartSmith, also Microsoft has just released the AAD User virtual table in Dataverse which could be a great option! More info:

  • EricRegnier Profile Picture
    EricRegnier 8,705 on at
    Re: DataVerse (Teams): Creating an Employee Table

    Hi @StuartSmith ,

    Users can automatically be synced out-of-the-box (OOB) in the User (systemuser) table. Note however that by default those will only be active licensed (a valid Power Apps / D365 license) users. So not all users will be there. If you want inactive or unlicensed users to be automatically synced in Dataverse, you can import them in the User table as inactive status. This can be done with an Excel import, Power Automate, etc.

    It is recommended not to recreate a User table because it comes OOB with the common data model (CDM). See tip #5 in 

    Hope this helps!

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