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Power Automate - Building Flows

Shared email account folder creation

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Hi Everyone,
Is there a way to create a new folder in a shared email account? 
I want to have a new folder created in my teams shared inbox when a SharePoint entry status is changed to "approved" this would create a folder in a folder called "To action" new folder would be named based on the name column in SharePoint. the folder will just be an empty folder, nothing to move into it.
Shared Mail
 - Inbox
      -  To Action
            - New Folder created
I cant find anything native in Power Automate, i would have thought this wold be a common request.
  • Suggested answer
    Robu1 Profile Picture
    Robu1 1,015 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Shared email account folder creation

    If you'd prefer not to use the HTTP method, you can explore other options, though they might be a bit more manual. Here are a couple of alternatives:

    1. Manual Folder Creation

    You can manually create the folder in your shared mailbox whenever a SharePoint entry is approved. This method is straightforward but requires manual intervention each time.

    2. PowerShell Script

    You can use a PowerShell script to create the folder in your shared mailbox. This script can be triggered by a Power Automate flow when the SharePoint entry status changes to "approved". Here's a basic outline of the steps:

    1. Trigger: When an item is modified in SharePoint.

    2. Condition: If the status is "approved".

    3. Run PowerShell Script: Use the "Run a script" action in Power Automate to execute a PowerShell script that creates the folder.

  • Mclean2023 Profile Picture
    Mclean2023 79 on at
    Shared email account folder creation
    Thanks for the reply, i was hoping to avoid the HTTP way but will have a go at it.
  • Verified answer
    Robu1 Profile Picture
    Robu1 1,015 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Shared email account folder creation
    Thank you for choosing Microsoft Community.
    Creating a new folder in a shared email account based on a SharePoint entry status change is indeed a common request, but it requires a bit of creativity with Power Automate.
    Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this:
    Trigger: Start with a trigger in Power Automate that detects when an item in your SharePoint list is modified and its status changes to "approved".
    Condition: Add a condition to check if the status is "approved".
    Create Folder: Use the "Create folder" action in Power Automate to create a new folder in your shared mailbox. Unfortunately, Power Automate doesn't have a direct action to create a folder in Outlook, but you can use the Microsoft Graph API to achieve this.
    Here's a basic outline of the flow:
    Trigger: When an item is modified in SharePoint.
    Condition: Check if the status is "approved".
    HTTP Request: Use the HTTP action to call the Microsoft Graph API and create a folder in the shared mailbox.

    I hope these steps help resolve the issue! If you need more specific guidance, feel free to ask.
    If this fixes the issue, please mark as resolved to help others with find it.
    Happy to help 

    Robu 1

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