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App with SharePoint list with Excel file for each row

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Posted on 4 Oct 2024 10:26:43 by 136
I have an app which is using a SharePoint list as it's data source.  This works fine, but now the client wants each row in the list to also be linked to an Excel file.  Initially, for each row in the list it would be linked to an Excel file with no data filled in.  The user would then be able to enter and edit data which would be saved to the Excel file (so, I guess, I need to have the Excel file as a data source).  Each row in the SharePoint list would need it's own individual Excel file. So, is there a way to embed the file into the SharePoint list or would there need to be an Excel file for each row in a Document Library?  
I guess that whenever a new row is created, a blank Excel file could be created in the Document Library with a unique name (based on a primary key in the list) and then this would need to be set as a data source in the app.
Is this possible?  Or will I need a different method of doing what is required?
  • petewalburn Profile Picture
    petewalburn 136 on 04 Oct 2024 at 14:00:38
    App with SharePoint list with Excel file for each row
    Thanks Warren,
    This does allow me to do some of what I need.   I'll keep investigating as I could do with the Excel file being based on a template file rather than a blank file with a table, but it gives me a start.
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,411 on 04 Oct 2024 at 10:49:56
    App with SharePoint list with Excel file for each row
    It needs to be done with Power Automate - this article should get you going with the process required.
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